Cara memblokir Account Facebook seseorang yang tidak kita sukai

Mempunyai Account di Facebook sudah bukan merupakan yang aneh lagi saat ini, hampir semua orang yang sudah melek tehnologi pasti punya account Facebook
Banyak sekali manfaat yang bisa kita dapat dengan punya/aktif update status di facebook, mulai dari sekedar iseng, cari teman, promosi barang, promosi jasa, kampanye.
Surfing di FB tentu sangat menyenangkan banyak teman, saling bertukar informasi, tapi tentu tidak akan menyenangkan kembali bila ada salah satu teman kita ( baik yang sudah kita kenal / kenal lewat dunia maya ) yang suka iseng menggangu lewat pesan, kirim status dan hal lain yang membuat kita tidak nyaman.
Sebenarnya ada cara mudah untuk mengatasi hal itu cukup dengan menghilangkan account teman kita tersebut dari daftar pertemanan sudah selesai.
Ada cara lain untuk mengatasi hal tersebut yaitu dengan menggunakan fasilitas pelaporan/blokir orang tesebut ( repport/block this person ), cara ini lebih baik karena kita bisa memilih bagian apa yang akan kita blokir, caranya adalah sebagai berikut :

Masuk pada account teman yang akan kita blokir, akan muncul tampilan sbb :

Cari pada bagian bawah profil, klik "repport/block this person"

Beri tanda centang pada bagian yang dimaksud. ( block this person, repport this person )
Pilih alasan dilakukan pemblokiran ( pilih bagian yang dimaksud, ada beberapa pilihan contohnya pornografi )
Pilih bagian yang akan diblokir ( pilih bagian yang dimaksud, blokir profil, wall, message, dll sesuai kebutuhan )
Bila sudah klik submit, maka account orang tersebut sudah terblokir.

Tips :

  • Gunakan dengan bijak dan seperlunya.

  • Jangan terlalu mudah untuk add seseorang sebagai teman bila kita tidak yakin kenal.

  • Jangan memasukan informasi yang sifatnya pribadi baik berupa tulisan, gambar atau video

  • Hati hati dalam melakukan update status, jangan asal komentar apalagi sifatnya sara dan pornografi yang bisa menyinggung orang lain.

  • jangan mudah percaya dengan berbagai informasi yang diupdate melalui FB.

    terima kasih ...!
    semoga bermanfaat....!

    Evergreen Brickworks Farmers Market

    One of my absolute most favourite things to do in the summer is to visit Farmer's Markets.

    I love waking up super early on a Saturday morning (I'm talking like 6:45am early), getting what I need together (usually run to the market to get my morning workout in) and make my way out with my gorgeous pup, Scarlet.

    I sometimes feel like we're the only ones who exist that early on a Saturday morning, it's nice. At that time the Moore Ravine is quiet, beautiful and serene.  It's the greatest path to take to get to my favourite Farmer's Market: The Evergreen Brickworks Market

    What I bought ...

    Local organic kale (because it's my new obsession) and Niagara organic cherries
    Put them together and what do you got?  A strange Sarah-Lyn salad creation of course!

    Cherry Kale Salad

    3-4 bunches of fresh kale, chopped
    1/2-1 cup of fresh cherries chopped (seeds removed)
    1 tsp olive oil (for cooking)
    1 tsp Mrs. Dash spice
    3-4 fresh basil leaves chopped
    1-2 tbsp of balsamic Vinaigrette
    1/4 cup shopped or whole almonds (optional)

    I basically mixed all the ingredients together in a pan and satayed with the olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette.

    I also enjoyed the cherries in a nice bowl of organic rice crisp cereal.

    Moore Ravine - Beltline trail

    One of my most favourite booths at the market - this woman makes the most delicious, healthy and gluten-free backed goods!

    Membuat Blockquote dengan berbagai variasi pada blogger

    Mempercantik tulisan pada posting merupakan cara yang paling baik untuk menambah traffick, karena pada prinsipnya sebagus apapun blog yang kita design yang menjadi penentu adakah ISI POSTING

    Mempergunakan fasilitas blockquote adalah salah satu alternatif yang bisa dipakai untuk melakukan penekanan atau menunjukan kutipan pada artikel yang kita tulis.
    Blockquote sebenarnnya sudah ada pada blogger ( lihat tanda kutip " pada menu posting baru ) sesuai dengan standart template masing masing blog.
    Untuk melakukan perubahan pada blockquote standart bisa dilakukan dengan cara :
    Modifikasi blockquote standart template yang ada
      Untuk lebih jelasnya silakan lihat uraian berikut ini :

      CARA PERTAMA, Modifikasi blockquote standart template yang ada
      • Login
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      • Cari kode  
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      Ganti dengan kode diatas dengan kode berikut :

      .post blockquote {
      background:#f5f8fa url( no-repeat scroll 0 0;
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      Simpan dan lihat hasilnya. ( hasilnya sama dengan di artikel ini )
      • Silakan dirubah sesuai dengan template yang ada ( kode warna, background image, border, margin, padding ) sesuai kebutuhan.

      terima kasih..
      semoga bermanfaat...!

      Hot Air Balloon @ Cappadocia

      These lovely pictures and videos taken by my daughter during her vacation were so exhilarating.
      I felt lifted, just watching these balloons.
      I have made this clip to share..

      The hot air balloon is the oldest successful human-carrying
      flight technology and is a subset of balloon aircraft
      A hot air balloon consists of a bag called the envelope that is capable of containing heated air. Suspended beneath is a gondola or wicker basket (in some long-distance or high-altitude balloons, a capsule), which carries passengers and (usually) a source of heat, in most cases an open flame. The heated air inside the envelope makes it buoyant since it has a lower density than the relatively cold air outside the envelope. Unlike gas balloons, the envelope does not have to be sealed at the bottom since the air near the bottom of the envelope is at the same pressure as the surrounding air. In today's sport balloons the envelope is generally made from nylon fabric and the mouth of the balloon (closest to the burner flame) is made from fire resistant material such as Nomex.…

      Menata interior rumah mungil sempit dengan lahan terbatas

      Menata rumah mungil dan sempit tidaklah semudah yang kita duga.,dengan keterbatasan ruang, rumah harus mampu menampung segala keperluan penghuninya. Di samping itu rumah juga harus nyaman ditempati dan enak dipandang.
      Untuk menata rumah mungil ada beberapa prinsip :
      1. pengelolaan ruang secara efektif dan efisien
      2. pencahayaan dan sirkulasi udara yang tepat
      3. pemilihan corak dan warna interior yang cermat
      Jika ketiga prinsip tersebut dilaksanakan, keterbatasan ruang bisa diantisipasi bukan untuk menjadi luas tapi akan terkesan luas sehingga bisa tampak nyaman.
      Tips Menata interior rumah mungil sempit dengan lahan terbatas
      • Mengecat ruang dengan warna-warna yang terang, semua ruang rumah diusahakan terjangkau sinar matahari, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Sebab ruang yang terang akan terkesan lebih lega.
      • Penerangan ini bisa diperoleh melalui jendela, ventilasi udara dan bahan penutup atap yang transparan. Untuk itu, usahakan setiap ruang memiliki jendela dengan arah bukaan ke taman depan atau belakang. Selain sinar matahari bebas masuk, juga udara akan mengalir lancar 
      • Cat rumah, warna gorden atau furnitur sebaiknya menggunakan warna-warna yang terang. Warna putih pada tembok dapat menjadi salah satu pilihan untuk ruangan yang sempit. Atau jika Anda ingin menggunakan wallpaper pada dinding, pilihlah wallpaper dengan motif kecil.
      •  Ukuran jendela yang lebar dan menghadap ke taman juga berguna untuk memasukkan unsur alam ke dalam ruangan. Rumah tampak lebih segar dan pandangan orang yang di dalam ruangan pun menjadi lebih lepas.
      • Karena luas bangunan rumah mungil amat terbatas, supaya terkesan luas tidak perlu banyak sekat. Disarankan pemilik rumah menyatukan beberapa fungsi ruang, misalnya ruang tamu dengan ruang keluarga, kemudian ruang makan dengan ruang dapur bersih. Atau, ruang tamu, ruang keluarga dan ruang makan dijadikan satu ruangan. Perbedaan fungsi ruang hanya dibatasi dengan sekat yang transparan. 
      • Atap/langit langit yang tinggi, Jika ruangan Anda terbatas luasnya, dengan membuat atap lebih tinggi dapat memberi kesan ruang lebih lega karena adanya cukup ruang ke atas. 
      • Agar pandangan lebih luas, Anda dapat menggunakan jendela ukuran besar pada bagian depan rumah. Dengan demikian, penghuni rumah dapat melihat area yang luas di luar rumah dengan mudah seperti taman atau jalan. Hal ini akan memberi kesan luas.
      • Penggunaan cermin merupakan hal bisa dipertimbangkan untuk memberi kesan luas pada ruangan. Dengan cermin, Anda seolah-olah memiliki ruangan yang dua kali lebih besar karena pantulannya. 
      • Pilih Furnitur dengan Tepat, Memilih furniture seperti kursi, meja atau rak harus disesuaikan pada rumah yang mungil. Karena terbatasnya besar ruangan, maka pilihlah furniture yang simpel dan dalam ukuran yang kecil. Lalu cobalah pilih furnitur dengan warna yang menyerupai warna cat rumah Anda. Selain menghemat tempat, ini juga dapat membuat kesesuaian yang baik dengan ukuran ruangan. Warna yang menyerupai cat tembok akan membuat kesan lebih luas. 
      • Jangan terlalu banyak memasang pernak-pernik di rumah
      • Anda dapat pula memilih furniture multi fungsi. Misalnya meja yang juga dapat berfungsi sebagai kursi dengan menambahkan jok pada bagian atasnya. Furnitur lainnya misalnya ranjang di mana pada bagian bawahnya dapat berfungsi sebagai tempat penyimpanan. 
      • Yang tidak kalah pentingnya adalah tata letak dari furnitur. Dengan posisi letak yang tepat dapat memberi ruang kosong pada ruangan. 
      • Manfaatkan Ruang Kosong , Anda dapat memanfaatkan setiap bagian di rumah Anda yang masih kosong. Misalnya area di bawah tangga, biasanya kosong. Anda dapat meletakkan berbagai perlengkapan dan perkakas Anda di area bawah tangga 

       Terima kasih .....!
       Semoga bermanfaat..!

      A pillar of flowers @ the ION

      A pillar of flowers.
      This truly is.
      Love the dimensional effect.
      Saw this beautiful art piece at Ion Orchard Shopping Mall

      I am thinking of adopting this idea for my home pillars

      Pizza is Usually my Favorite Comfort Food

      I've realised this week that eating vegan hasn't really been a stretch from my usual diet.  Granted, there have been a lot more carbs then I would normally like to eat but that's mostly on my part and I know with time I'll figure out a good protein to carb ratio for me.

      The biggest challenge this week, you know, besides trying too cook and bake after my bike accident, was attending a work BBQ and smelling all the meat cooking on the grill and being strong enough to resist eating any of it, which I was! :)  The veggies burger was actually so good that I didn't feel I was missing anything.

      Today I made this "pizza" if you can call it that.  The crust was amazing but already made and the veggies well, I love mushrooms but I, until now, have never actually tried radicchio.

      The Lesson: If cooking with something new, taste it first before you start cooking with it, surprise, you might not like it.

      The pizza came out great, I didn't have truffle oil but I used truffle infused olive oil (VERY expensive though, I think regular olive oil is fine enough) and overall it cooked well and came together but the major downfall, I did NOT like the radicchio - hello, bitter much!?

      Not my first choice a vegetable to go on a pizza that's for sure lol!

      The Lesson: You can't win them all - some things you'll love and some things will just taste awful.  That's the amazing thing about being a self-taught baker and cook, you learn through experience and trial-and-error, that's how you improve and learn what tastes great or not.

      I still share this recipe with you because perhaps you'll have better luck then I, perhaps you'll love radicchio as much as I love kale (another vegetable with an acquired taste).  My only suggestion for next time: I would probably buy some soy or rice based feta cheese to sprinkle on top.

      Vegan Radicchio Pizza with Truffle Oil
      This recipe has been altered, the original recipe is from The Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone
      Serves 2 to 4

      1 large head radicchio
      Truffle infused olive oil
      Fine sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
      1 fresh healthy whole wheat crust (I used an already cooked crust)
      5 large mushrooms chopped
      1. Cut the radicchio in half, then slice each half crosswise into thin ribbons (as thin as possible).

      2. Dress the radicchio and mushrooms with enough truffle infused oil, salt, and pepper, to taste.

      3. Preheat the oven to 415 degrees F.

      4. Toast the pizza crust in the oven for 7 minutes or until it is heated through and slightly golden but not crunchy.

      5. Scatter the dressed vegetables over the pizza crust and return to the oven for another 3 to 5 minutes, until the radicchio is warm and just starting to wilt. Serve immediately.

      Design rumah tinggal dengan lahan sempit memanjang kebelakang

      Membangun rumah dengan keterbatasan lahan memerlukan kejelian dan kehati hatian agar hasilnya bisa memenuhi kebutuhan yang diharapkan.
      Lahan dengan kondisi sempit memanjang kebelakang contohnya 6 m x 25 m, perlu beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan ( khususnya apabila kiri kanan sudah terdapat bangunan ), yaitu :

      Jenis ruang yang dibutuhkan ( minimal ).
      • Ruang tamu
      • Ruang keluarga
      • Ruang Makan
      • Kamar tidur
      • Dapur
      • KM/WC
      Sistim pencahayaan dan sirkulasi udara yang cukup untuk semua ruangan.
      • Pemenuhan cahaya dan udara yang cukup sangat mempengaruhi kenyamanan sebuah rumah, tata ruang dan adanya penempatan ruang terbuka bisa menjadi alternatif yang baik untuk kebutuhan pada lahan sempit memanjang.

      Contoh kasus sederhana :
      1. Penempatan ruang terbuka dibelakang garasi, dimaksudkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pencahayaan dan sirkulasi udara pada ruang keluarga kamar tidur
      2. Penempatan ruang terbuka pada bagian belakang dimaksudkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pencahayaan dan sirkulasi udara pada dapur dan kamar tidur.
      3. Ruang  terbuka bisa merupakan taman samping dan belakang.
      Ini adalah contoh kasus sederhana yang bisa dijadikan inspirasi dalam membangun rumah. ( untuk detail bisa dilakukan dengan banyak variasi design )

      semoga bermanfaat..!
      terima kasih..!

      Bike Helmets and Vegan Oatmeal Cookies

      So yesterday, as I eagerly rode my bike to my boxing class, I learned a very valuable lesson: the importance of bike helmets.  It's been raining for a few days here in Toronto but I was certain the Don River path would be okay, as long as I paid attention and didn't ride too fast.  Famous last words!

      Coming down a hill, after picking up some good speed climbing up the other side of it, I didn't expect that a mud patch just ahead would make my night, but it did.

      All I remember is trying to avoid the mud but then losing control of the bike, flying head first off of it landing on my bad left knee and left hand (both bruised and scratched up pretty good) and then somehow gliding on the pavement, scraping my whole right arm and hitting my helmet-protected head on the bike handles ... I think ... it's all a blur now but I definitely do remember feeling my head being hit and thanking my lucky stars that I wore my helmet!

      It could have been way worse! No sprained anything or broken bones (knock on wood) and I was able to pick myself up (after sobbing on the ground for about 10 minutes) walk my bike back up a fifth of the way to meet a very friendly neighbour who picked me up.

      Second Lesson: Get to know your neighbours! You never know when you might need a hand and you'd be surprised at how willing some people are in helping you.

      So after my initial shock, anger, frustration and pain what was my next logical thought? To bake cookies of course! lol Which I did after I cleaned myself up, dusted myself off and scolded my dog for trying to lick my wounds.

      These cookies were quick and easy to make and tasted amazing, in my opinion, they were the perfect remedy after my accident - that and the lovely glass of white wine I shared with two fellow neighbours in my building who also came to my rescue!

      Thanks to Craig, Sarah and Georgina ...
      I have the best neighbours in the City!

      Oatmeal, Walnut and Dried Cherry Cookies
      This recipe has been adapted, the original recipe is from The Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone

      Makes 10 to 12 cookies

      1 cup quick-cooking rolled oats
      3/4 cup gluten-free flour
      1/2 tsp xanthan gum
      1/3 cup demerara sugar
      2 tsp. baking powder
      1 tsp. baking soda
      1/4 tsp. fine sea salt
      1/3 cup maple syrup
      1/2 cup canola oil
      1 tsp. vanilla extract
      1/2 tsp. molasses
      1/4 cup chopped dried cherries
      1/4 cup finely chopped walnuts

      Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

      Combine the oats, flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a large bowl. In a separate bowl, combine the syrup, oil, vanilla extract, and molasses. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients, and stir to combine. Fold in the dried cherries and nuts.

      Using your hands, roll tablespoon-size scoops of dough into balls. Place the balls onto the prepared baking sheet and press down slightly on the balls to flatten the tops. Bake for 8 to 12 minutes or until lightly browned. Transfer cookies to a baking rack to cool completely.

      Sweet Summer Stew

      This stew is probably best served during the cold nights of Fall or Winter but I love sweet potatoes and couldn't resist trying this recipe.  I've never be a fan of making soups and stews, it was always just easier eating them out of a can right? Never again! The amazing aroma produced while making this stew was good enough to make any mouth drool over.

      This stew is great for a hearty, healthy dinner on those cold nights or rainy days like today!  This fantastic stew includes brown lentils which is super high in iron and protein - an excellent plant-based substitute for meat.

      Sweet Potato-Lentil Stew
      Original recipe from The Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone, p. 166

      Serves 4 - 6

      1/2 cup salflower oil (I used canola oil)
      1 medium onion, diced (I used half of a red onion)
      2 small tomatoes, diced (I used about 3/4 cup of grape tomatoes, chopped)
      1 tsp minced fresh ginger
      1.5 tsp turmeric
      1 tsp cumin
      1 tsp ground coriander
      1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
      1/8 tsp cayenne
      Pinch of fine sea salt
      2-3 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 3/4" cubes
      7 cups of vegetable broth
      1 cup brown lentils (I used green lentils)

      Heat the oil over medium heat in a large, deep pot.  Add the onion and cook, stirring frequently, for 2 minutes or until the onion starts to soften.  Stir in the tomatoes and ginger and cook for 3 minutes.  Stir in the turmeric, cumin, coriander, cinnamon, cayenne, and a pinch of salt.  Cook and stir for 2 minutes, then taste for seasonings; try to use only enough salt to heighten the flavours.

      Add the sweet potatoes, broth and lentils.  Stir well, and bring to a boil over high heat.  When the mixture comes to a boil, reduce the heat, cover, and simmer for 40 minutes or until the lentils and sweet potatoes are soft.

      I Should Have Listened to my Mother

      For years my mother has been making this amazing Portuguese Collard Greens soup, don't know the name of it and don't have the recipe (yet!) but she always said it was good for me.  I didn't believe her but mostly because I didn't want to eat that weird dark green veggie soup!  I should have listened ... collards are amazingly good for us, similar to kale, they are a leafy green vegetable pack full of vitamins.

      I tried out this fantastic recipe from The Kind Diet last night and loved it!

      Sicilian Collard Greens
      Original recipe from The Kind Diet p. 176

      Serves 2 or 3

      1 bunch of collard greens
      2 Tbsp pine nuts
      3 garlic cloves, peeled and chopped
      1 Tbsp olive oil
      3 Tbsp raisins
      2 tbsp balsamic vinegar

      Use a sharp knife to out the central rib and stem from each collard leaf.  Rinse the leaves in a sink of cool water, lifting them into a colander to drains a it (you want some water to remain on the leaves).

      Toast the pine nuts over medium heat in a dry skilled for about 5 minutes or until golden.  Shake the pan often to keep the pine nuts from burning.  Transfer to a plate and set aside.

      Place the garlic and oil in a large skilled, and sauté over medium heat for 1 minute or until the garlic is fragrant.  Add the damp collards and stir, then over the pan and cook for 2 minutes longer.  Add the raisins and pine nuts, and stir.  Cover and cook for 2 minutes.  Stir in the balsamic vinegar, cover,  and continue to cook for 1 to 2 minutes longer.

      Beautiful blogger dan bonk ava award



      Alhamdullilah..  tidak disangka hari nii aku mendapat award kembali, award ini unik karena harus menjawab pertanyaan, teima kasih buat sobat Menata Hati Diatas Sunnah sukses selalu buat kamu

      Berikut pertanyaan yang harus dijawab :

      Berapa blog yang kamu punya dan berapa umurnya? 
      • Blog yang aku punya ada 2 Blog, semuanya baru dibuat pada pertengahan tahun 2009, jadi umurnya kurang dari 2 tahun, masih muda belia alias bayi...!
      Sejak kapan kamu mengenal dunia blog? 
      • sama dengan umur blog-ku ya kurang dari 2 tahun.
      Mengapa tertarik membuat blog dan untuk apa?
      • Pertama pingin tahu saja, kalau yang lain bisa kenapa aku tidak bisa
      • Kedua iseng, dari pada cuma main main internet tanpa hasil. ( tapi sampai sekarang hasilnya juga belum ada.. he he he he )
      • Ketiga akhirnya ketagihan... sampai sekarang
      Apa kelebihan dan kekurangan blog kamu? 
      • Kelebihannya dibanding blog lain jelas bahwa blog punyaku lebih muda, karena belum ada 2 tahun, kekurangannya belum bisa dipakai untuk bisnis... masih pemula.
      Berikan Award dan tag ini kepada 5 teman blogger yang lain?
      1. Rinda blog
      2. Nophie corner
      3. SC Community blog 
      4. Alfadilla Trishana 
      5. ARCHV3NTURE
      Terima kasih supportnya...!
      Bila berkenan silakan diambil..!!

      Good Morning Granola

       I really love breakfast! It is probably my favourite meal of the day and it's the best meal to truly carb-load, guilt free.  Last night I made granola from The Kind Diet book to try this morning for breakfast.

       I had a bowl of organic rice puffs topped off with one sliced banana and a 1/3 cup of the granola and rice milk.

      This organic cereal is fantastic, its not sweet at all but it fills me up and is light and healthy, much better for you then traditional cereals.  Just add fruit or a spoonful of agave for sweetness.  I also find if I use less of this cereal then I normally would with traditional out-of-the-box cereals and just add other things like fruit and granola and I still feel satisfied and the cereal last longer (buying organic can be costly!)

      Mom’s Granola
      Recipe from The Kind Diet, p. 201

      Makes 2 Quarts

      6 cups quick-cooking oats
      ½ cup maple sugar (I used Demerara Sugar, it's what I had on hand)
      ¾ cup wheat germ
      ½ cup shredded coconut
      ½ cup sesame or sunflower seeds
      1 cup chopped nuts or raisins
      ½ cup salflower oil
      1/3 cup maple syrup
      1.5 tsp vanilla extract

      Preheat oven to 350F

      Spread the oats on a rimmed baking pan and bake for about 10 minutes. Transfer the oats to a large mixing bowl, and add the sugar, wheat germ, coconut, seeds, and nuts or raisins. Stir to mix well, then add the oil, syrup, and vanilla extract. Mix until everything is moistened.

      Spread half of the mixture on each of 2 rimmed baking sheets (or bake in 2 batches), and bake for 10 minutes. Stir after 5 minutes to brown evenly.

      Let the baked granola cool on the pans, then transfer to a bowl and still until crumbly. Store in an airtight container.

      A Vegan Weekend

      So far my first couple of days eating vegan have been pretty good and I do feel great ... a few slips here and there, that dairy I tell ya, it just sneaks up on you - but overall it's been good and pretty easy!

      This morning I made Pumpkin Bread (p. 202) from Alicia Silverstone's book The Kind Diet.  I made a few adjustments and actually made half of what the recipe called for and I still had enough for two loaves.
      I think I used WAY too much pumpkin puree though, it came out a lot moisture then expected but it was still delicious and not too sweet which I liked.  I substituted the maple sugar and syrup for agave nectar and used rice milk instead of nut milk.
      You can see how the bottom is a little soggier then the rest, probably from the pumpkin puree or water/flax seed combo.  Lesson here: Measure everything carefully!

      This afternoon I also made a fantastic rice dish from her book (p.151).  It's a perfect quick dish to make if you have a busy week.  I made a big batch of it which should last me a few days for my weekday lunches.

      Hot Rice with Cold Lemon, Basil, and Tomato
      This recipe is slightly altered but the original recipe if from The Kind Diet, p. 151

      1 cup I used brown rice
      2 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
      3 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
      3 pinches of sea salt
      2 pinches or more of fresh ground pepper
      1/2 cup or more of grape tomatoes cut in half
      2 Tbsp chopped fresh basil

      Cook Rice as directed (I used a rice cooker).  Once cooked transfer the rice to a mixing bowl.
      Add the olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste.
      Mix everything well, add the tomatoes and sprinkle with basil.
      Toss to combine, and serve.

      For dinner, I had one serving of this rice dish with a cup of cooked red beans with hummus (for the protein protein of my meal).  It was quick, simple, clean, vegan and more importantly satisfyingly delicious! :)

      Blogger new template designer

      Untuk membuat tampilan blog yang bagus dan elegan tentu butuh waktu dan pengetahuan tentang berbagai macam hal selain bisa menulis artikel, sekarang bagi para blogger yang tidak mau pusing dengan design template ada fasilitas baru dari blogger yang memudahkan kita untuk melakukan editing template tanpa copy paste kode script.

      Fasilitas ini berupa TEMPLATE DESIGNER, fungsi baru bagi blogger untuk melakukan design template.
      Caranya cukup mudah :
      1. log in
      2. masuk ke menu design
      3. masuk ke menu template designer
      Setelah masuk ke menu template designer kamu akan melihat berbagai jenis template standart yang sudah disediakan.
      Standart jenis template ( silakan pilih sesuai kebutuhan )

      Background menu, tersedia dalam bentuk image dan warna  ( silakan pilih sesuai kebutuhan )
      Menu pilihan layout template ( silakan pilih sesuai kebutuhan )
      Menu pilihan layout untuk footer ( silakan pilih sesuai kebutuhan )

      Menu pilihan layout untuk mengatur lebar kolom yang dimaksud ( silakan pilih sesuai kebutuhan )
      Menu pilihan layout untuk mengatur jenis warna, huruf, link, judul ( silakan pilih sesuai kebutuhan )

      Itulah informasi secara singkat mengenai template designer yang cukup memudahkan bagi blogger untuk melakukan design template.

      Note :
      • Bagi blogger yang sudah menggunakan template lama harus hati hati karena widget yang sudah ada tetap akan terpengaruh bila kamu menggunakan template ini. ( terutama mengenai kode css yang akan hilang bila kamu mengganti template )
      • Simpanlah template yang lama agar bila terjadi sesuatu bisa di upload kembali.
      Semoga bermanfaat..!
      Terima kasih..!

      How Kind Am I?

      This week I started reading Alicia Silverstone’s book The Kind Diet. Now, I’ve read other vegetarian, vegan, even raw cookbooks before and tons of information on why eating meat is not only morally wrong but ethically and environmentally wrong too. However, no other book has hit home more for me than hers so far. Not sure why really, I mean I know she’s not an expert but she does speak from personal experience and does cover a lot of research and facts – some stuff that I really didn’t want to hear but know it's probably true.

      Her book since has inspired me, yet again and frankly it’s really turned me off of eating meat and dairy all together but one step at a time. I gave up eating red meat years ago and recently tried a vegetarian diet (just couldn’t give up eggs to go vegan!)

      However, the more I read and the more I learn the more determined I have become to "be kind." Now I’m no preacher and I definitely am not one to judge others, everyone is free to live and do what they feel is right for them, I appreciate that.  For me, I strive to always do what’s right for me and what feels good for me (okay, not always, yes I have indulged many, many, MANY times eating chocolate and other very, very bad things) but what I liked about her book is that it got me thinking … what’s right for the world, for the environment?

      After all, it’s not all about me!

      I would like to think that I try my best to live green, to reduce, reuse, recycle, etc. etc. but when it comes to food how much thought do we really give as to where that food came from? I mean really came from and how? When you really start to think about it it’s actually a very scary thought!

      I guess what I am getting at here is that as much as I strive to live a better, healthier lifestyle have I really considered how I've tried to better the world or the environment beyond changing a light bulb or turning my office computer off each night? Have I considered that in fact, eating vegan could in turn improve my health and lifestyle even further!?

      So, like everything else I do in my life, I’ve set a goal for myself …

      The Challenge: Starting today I am going to try to lead a strictly vegan lifestyle and diet, with the help of her book of course. Starting on Sunday I will blog one recipe a day until next Friday (June 18th) that I have tried and I’m sure enjoyed!

      Here's a sneak peek at some of the goodies in her book:

      This one kind of reminds me of the Cranberry Kale Salad I made, can't wait to try this one!


      I miss eggs already :(