Toronto's Great Urban Race ... Alright. Excellent!

Whaaaooooo!  It's Wayne and Garth from Wayne's World and they've taken over the Toronto streets! They were running around like mad men, solving clues and taking photos on what was possibly one of the hottest days yet this year. Alright. Excellent.

Why was all this crazy action taking place? It was the Great Urban Race of 2011!

Tembo Elephants at King & Bay
First up, we joined a family of elephants for a photo opportunity.  Thanks to Simone for her sweet Google skills for finding our hot spots in the city! (Tembo, Mother of Elephants)

Toronto Hot Dog stand
 Photo with a street vendor. Check!

Some dude in Toronto
Photo with a stranger in a sports jersey. Check! 
Showing off our skills at Steve's Music
 We finally got a rock out a little at Steve's Music Store on Queen.  Excellent!

Garth showing off his brain skills at Science City
Science is cool.  Here Garth shows off his scientific excellence at Science City.

Camera face
Whaaaa! Garth is totally pulling off mimicking that statue at Bau-Xi gallery.

Look at me, I'm a tree.
My turn to show off my excellent relaxing skills with some yoga at Iam Yoga.  The rest of the race, not so relaxing!

Finishing the Great Urban Race
We totally rocked the end, finishing in the top 30 with time but unfortunately our totally bogus penalty set us back 30 minutes.  Denied!

 Overall it was a most excellent day and race. Party on!