Green Tip 27: Towel Up!

When I first saw this ad it really hit me and now every time I use a paper towel in the washroom I can't help but be reminded of it.  At the very least it reminds me to try and use less or to instead use the air dryer.

For our office washroom I brought in a hand towel that everyone can use and will take it upon myself to make sure it gets washed at least once a week.  It works because we work in a small office so we can do this.  It is most important however, that these changes start in the home. See the facts ...


Reduce your paper towel use whenever and where ever you can!  Over 90% of American households combined produce over 3,000 tons of paper towel waste each day.  

If each home simply replaced one roll of their traditional paper towels with paper towels made from 100% recycled paper, we could avoid wasting 3.4 million cubic feet of landfill space and prevent 864,000 trees from being cut down.

Source: Go Articles