Green Tip 30: That's a Wrap!

    Learn how to make these recycled paper flowers. 

You can reuse gift bags, bows and even paper or make some unique wrapping by using old maps, cloth or even newspaper - the comic section especially works for this! Don't like to wrap your gifts? Wrap without the wrapping by using pretty reusable bags and make it part of your gift!

Green Tip 29: Don't Burn it, Back it Up!


It is estimated that American consumers buy about 1 billion CDs every year and most eventually end up in landfills. Since CDs are a mix of polycarbonate, plastic and aluminum, they don’t easily break down and are not easily recycled. They are also not biodegradable, so they won’t break down in landfills and when incinerated they release toxic fumes into the air.
These days there are mush better options to listening to music, watching movies or backing up your computer work and photos:
  • Buy an external back up drive for your computer files and work.  They are getting bigger and cheaper and can be used to store files for years.
  • Download music
  • Watch movies / TV online
  • Buy used movies / CDs whenever possible
  • Some people reuse old CD/DVDs in artwork
  • Recycle them - find a location near you where you can drop off old discs to be recycled 
Some ideas on where to recycle them:

Design Rumah Tumbuh

Banyak orang yang telah mendengar adanya istilah rumah tumbuh, tapi banyak juga yang tidak faham dengan apa yang di maksud dengan rumah tumbuh.
Lalu apa yang dimaksud dengan rumah tumbuh ..?
Kenapa disebut dengan rumah tumbuh...?
Sebenarnya rumah tumbuh adalah istilah untuk pembangunan rumah yang dilakukan secara bertahap yang terencana secara matang dari awal sesuai dengan dana yang tersedia, secara garis besar ada 2 macam design rumah tumbuh, yaitu jenis vertikal dan horizontal.
Rumah tumbuh vertikal
Ini biasanya dilakukan bagi mereka yang mempuyai lahan yang sempit sehingga tidak ada pilihan selain membangun ke atas.
Jenis ini butuh persiapan dengan dana awal yang lebih besar karena struktur bangunan harus sudah disiapkan  untuk rumah bertingkat, walaupun tidak dilaksanakan secara sekaligus ( bertahap )
Rumah tumbuh horizontal
Dilakukan oleh mereka yang punya lahan cukup luas sehingga masih cukup banyak ruang kosong untuk mengembangkan rumah sesuai dengan kebutuhan.
Jenis ini cenderung lebih murah dan mudah karena design awal untuk struktur hanyak diperuntukkan untuk rumah tidak bertingkat.

Dalam pembangunan rumah tumbuh ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan baik dari sisi arsitektural  maupun dari sisi design struktural sesuai dengan perencanaan yang dimaksud.
Berikut langkah yang bisa dilakukan untuk membangun rumah tumbuh :
  1. Tentukan besaran dana yang akan digunakan
  2. Konsultasikan / rancang rumah anda dalam design yang utuh sesuai dengan keinginan ( tanpa melihat dana yang sudah ada )
  3. Pilah pilah bagian mana yang akan menjadi prioritas untuk lebih dulu dibangun.
  4. Tentukan pola pembangunan/tahapan dalam pengerjaan sehingga tidak perlu adanya pekerjaan bongkar pasang dalam kelanjutan pembangunan di tahap selanjutnya.
Usahakan menggunakan jasa profesional karena dalam pembangunan secara bertahap/tumbuh ada beberapa hal yang harus didesign dengan perhitungan terhadap kekuatan struktur dan tata ruang yang ada, misalnya :
  • Pondasi bangunan, harus diperhitungkan apakah  untuk rumah bertingkat atau tidak ( tumbuh vertikal atau horizontal ).
  • Struktur utama ( sloof, kolom, ring, balok serta kemungkinan adanya plat beton ) harus benar benar diperhitungkan terhadap kekuatan struktur terutama bila untuk rumah bertingkat ( tumbuh vertikal ), jangan hanya dengan rumus "biasanya kuat" tapi harus benar benar dihitung secara teknis.
  • Design tata ruang yang matang sehingga kecukupan dana pada tahap pertama benar benar bisa secara maksimal di terapkan dengan tata ruang yang berkelanjutan.
Selain dari itu hal non teknis yang harus diperhatikan :
  • Sumber dan kecukupan dana juga harus diperhitungkan, jangan sampai kita membangun tahap pertama sekaligus juga tahap terakhir alias berhenti.
  •  Kemungkinan adanya kenaikan harga material secara significan
  • Carilah tenaga yang benar benar faham masalah teknis, atau setidak tidaknya ada tenaga yang menjadi mandor yang faham dan mengerti teknis bangunan.
Baiklah, ini adalah sedikit uraian dari rumah tumbuh semoga bisa menjadi solusi bagi pemilik rumah yang ingin mengembangan rumah dengan dana terbatas.

Green Tip 28: My Two-Wheeled Vehicle


Not only are you extending the life of your vehicle, but you are creating less pollution and saving gas. A properly maintained vehicle, clean air filters, and inflated tires can greatly improve your vehicle's performance. And it might not hurt to clean out the trunk—all that extra weight could be costing you at the pump.

Source: 50 Ways to Help the Planet

In my case, it's my bike that I maintain. A good tune up at least once maybe twice a year will help your bicycle last longer.  If everyone took better care of their more expensive items then they wouldn't needs as much replacing as often.

Internet Sehat

Internet Sehat - Wise While Online, Think Before Posting

Sebuah langkah yang sangat bij
aksana dan bisa jadi panutan bagi siapa saja yang suka On-Line, kita harus tahu bahwa berselancar didunia maya bukan hanya sebuah permainan tapi juga sebuah langkah yang harus kita pertanggung-jawabkan, jangan sampai kita terjebak dalam hal yang justru akan merugikan kita sendiri tanpa kita sadari.
( silakan klik link diatas untuk mengetahui lebih jauh..! Laman ini diposting ulang dari website karena penulis melihat isinya sangat bermanfaat)

Silakan download materi Internet Sehat lisensi penggunaannya. Cara mendownload: klik-kanan mouse pada link materi yang akan didownload lalu pilih “save-target as” (browser IE) atau “save-link-as” (browser Firefox). Kemudian pilih folder tempat menyimpan, dan klik “save“.
Pilihan e-Book Internet Sehat :

yang Anda butuhkan. Sebelumnya, mohon dibaca

Parental Control Rekomendasi Internet Sehat (khusus untuk PC, laptop, netbook)
catatan: Untuk aplikasi di ponsel, silakan baca artikel tentang Melindungi Anak Saat Berponsel!

OnlineFamily Norton. Produk ini menyediakan segala hal yang dibutuhkan untuk melindungi keluarga dari bahaya Internet dan konten yang tak layak. Untuk memasang produk ini, perlu adanya komunikasi terlebih dahulu antara orangtua dengan anak. Sebab produk ini memang mengajak anak untuk bersama orangtuanya turut menjaga aktifitasnya saat online. Produk ini mengedepankan transparansi antara orangtua dan anak.
  • K9 Web Protection. Produk ini dapat membantu orangtua untuk memfilter penggunaan Internet di rumah dan juga untuk melindungi keluarga dari konten yang tidak diinginkan. Melalui produk ini, orang tua secara diam-diam bisa memantau catatan aktifitas anaknya saat berselancar di Internet. Orangtua juga bisa memblokir atau mengijinkan situs-situs tertentu dan mengatur penjadwalan penggunaan Internet.
  • DNS Nawala Project. DNS Nawala Project adalah sebuah layanan yang bebas digunakan oleh pengguna internet yang membutuhkan saringan konten negatif dengan cara mengatur IP DNS komputer/server. Layanan ini dapat digunakan untuk di rumah, warnet, sekolah/kampus dan perkantoran.
  • Parental software lainnya. Tersedia berbagai jenis parental software yang bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan masing-masing.
Meskipun demikian, ingatlah bahwa tidak ada produk teknologi parental software apapun yang dapat melindungi atau dapat diandalkan 100%! Produk teknologi hanyalah sekedar alat bantu. Perilaku berkomunikasi internal keluarga dan peran orangtua adalah faktor dominan dan penentu untuk melindungi anak dan keluarga dari maraknya konten negatif di Internet.

(Tim Internet Sehat)
Semoga bermanfaat

Green Tip 27: Towel Up!

When I first saw this ad it really hit me and now every time I use a paper towel in the washroom I can't help but be reminded of it.  At the very least it reminds me to try and use less or to instead use the air dryer.

For our office washroom I brought in a hand towel that everyone can use and will take it upon myself to make sure it gets washed at least once a week.  It works because we work in a small office so we can do this.  It is most important however, that these changes start in the home. See the facts ...


Reduce your paper towel use whenever and where ever you can!  Over 90% of American households combined produce over 3,000 tons of paper towel waste each day.  

If each home simply replaced one roll of their traditional paper towels with paper towels made from 100% recycled paper, we could avoid wasting 3.4 million cubic feet of landfill space and prevent 864,000 trees from being cut down.

Source: Go Articles

Capella Singapore, Sentosa

An exclusive hotel..
Colonial Manor from SGD12,800.00 avg. daily rate.
(As on this date, rates varies with time of enquiry)
Colonial Manor, 436 sqm/4693 sqf, will fully live the Crown Colony experience, as one of our colonial buildings has been set aside to provide select accommodations, respectful of our storied past, but with the amenities and features one expects from a five-star resort. This three bedroom suite featuring access to the beautiful rainforest setting, large terrace, plunge pool, outdoor showers and baths allow our guests to fully integrate with the tropics, to embrace the relaxed, refined culture at Capella Singapore. Each features an LCD television, wireless LAN internet, iPod docking station, and a refreshment center stocked with complimentary mineral water and soft drinks. Colonial Manor will accommodate 8 persons, 6 adults and 2 children. No extra beds provided. Colonial Manor Best Available rate includes: two ways transfer by Rolls Royce, daily full breakfast for up to 6 persons, SGD$500 Food & Beverage credit per day, 2 times 60 minutes spa treatment per day, a 4 hours chauffeur driven Mercedes Vito usage per day, fully stock refreshment centre, laundry and Villa Host.
-Information from the Hotel Website

Lush greenery..

Luxuriant landscapes among units apart...

Two pools..

Large mirrors on these pillars...

Colonial doors..

Unique art piece at the Cassia Cantonese Restaurant

Capella Singapore, Resort
in Sentosa

Green Tip 26: Better Bath time Options


Have a no-bath week, and take showers instead. Baths require almost twice as much water. Not only will you reduce water consumption but the energy costs associated with heating the water too.

Other options try bathing once or twice a month as a luxury and shower every other time. Maybe bath once a week but use less water.   Or, it's nearly summer, just jump in a pool once in a while, you'll be fine ;)

Source: 50 Ways to Help

Green Tip 25: Lights Out for Earth Hour


Always turn off incandescent bulbs when you leave a room. Fluorescent bulbs are more affected by the number of times it is switched on and off, so turn them off when you leave a room for 15 minutes or more. You'll save energy on the bulb itself, but also on cooling costs, as lights contribute heat to a room.

Tonight is Earth hour, which means we'll be turning off the lights and more - computers, electronics, televisions ... here's a thought spend time cuddling with a loved one? Prepare dinner before the hour and then enjoy it by candlelight or (and my personal favourite) take a nap before going out tonight!

As fantastic as earth hour is at building awareness I have to wonder, does turning off our lights for an hour really enough, does it do that much to help conserve energy?  I would think a day like "no-red meat day" or "no-fuel hour" would make a lot more sense.

Maybe one day :)

For more information about EARTH HOUR tonight please visit their website.

Inside the ArtScience Museum

ArtScience Museum has been called 
"The Welcoming Hand of Singapore" 
by Mr. Sheldon Adelson

The design of ArtScience Museum is inspired by a lotus flower
The ArtScience Museum features 21 gallery spaces
totaling 50,000 square ft of exhibition area.
A total of ten "fingers", each a gallery space.
The tallest "finger" standing 60 meters above ground.
Surrounded by a 40,000 square foot lily pond reflecting pool.
The dramatically-curved roof collects and channels rainwater ..

through the central atrium of the building, 
down a 35 meter tail water drop, 

and into a renewable water supply for the restrooms..
Hours of Operation : 10.00am to 10.00pm daily
Last admission at 9.00pm.

Saving Money on Fruits and Vegetables

Many people use coupons for food items to reduce the cost of the bill at the Supermarket, but there are not often coupons that are available for the fruits and vegetables that are being purchased in the frozen section. Without coupons however, consumers can still find creative ways to save while shopping for fruits and vegetables.

Here are some of the ways that you can save money on produce while shopping:

Track the Prices of Fruits and Vegetables

Tracking the prices of fruits and vegetables and comparing the prices of the vegetables and fruits can help the consumer to buy fruits at their lowest price, once the lowest price has learned to be recognized. Tracking the lowest prices using spreadsheets or a notebook can be an effective way to save money while shopping and can allow you to compare the sale prices and determine when certain vegetables or fruits should be purchased in advance and frozen.

image source:

Using In Store Coupons
Often, there are in store coupons that are available for people that are shopping. These coupons can allow you to obtain a gift card for the store once a certain amount of money has been spent in the store and can be an effective way to help save on the cost of the entire grocery order, including fruits and vegetables.

Stop Buying Prepackaged Vegetables

Buying vegetables that are packaged and cut can be quite expensive. Buying reusable containers, you can easily prepare the trays yourself, reducing the amount of money that is spent on the vegetables and fruits in the budget. In as little as an hour a week, you can prepare and cut the vegetables to have them easily accessible through the course of the week, storing the vegetables in the refrigerator or freezer and reducing their cost.

For more tips on healthy shopping browse resources listed in a

Temperature Rising Again..

Temperature Rising again..
To keep cool..
Bringing in the garden..
Placing many healthy green foliage in the house will create that cool and refresh atmosphere.
At the patio.
Ideally for my pets.
They love hiding under the shadows of these huge trees…
Love these flowers..
Overwhelming the atmosphere with fragrance..
The place 'snows' with flowers on a blossom day.
Providing good shade.. 
The rabbit loves to sniff and kick around the flowers during playtime.
Green all the way...

Green Tip 24: Light Switch


If every household in the United State replaced one regular light bulb with one of those new compact fluorescent bulbs, the pollution reduction would be equivalent to removing one million cars from the road.

Now that's a bright idea ;)

Source: 50 Ways to Help

Green Tip 23: The Heat is On, Turn it off

I don't know about you but I always wear a nice outfit and heels when I'm cooking a huge roast! Oh wait, no, I would never cook that lol ... or would I ever dress this way when cooking.  Oh 1950's, you make me giggle. :)

DO NOT PRE-HEAT THE OVEN ... unless you really, really, really have to

Unless you are making bread or pastries (or cupcakes!), don't pre-heat the oven. Just turn it on when you put the dish in. Also, when checking on your food, look through the oven window instead of opening the door.

This will save energy and possibly time :)

It's still cold outside but the summer is coming and I know it, I feel it, I really, really want it! Try to turn your heat down or off early this year and save energy and money.  Want to keep warm? Snuggle in a comfy sweater or with that special someone (and yes, dogs and cats count).

Green Tip 22: The Computer is My Bank Teller


These days it is a lot easier and convenient to pay your bills or even do your banking online and it really is more secure then people think.  As long as you take every precaution when banking online it is a great alternative to getting those paper bills in the mail that eventually go to waste.

By some estimates, if all households in the U.S. paid their bills online and received electronic statements instead of paper, we'd save 18.5 million trees every year, 2.2 billion tons of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, and 1.7 billion pounds of solid waste.

Green Tip 21: Challenge - Vegetarian for a Week!


One less meat-based meal a week can help the planet and your diet.  It requires 2,500 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef. You will also also save some trees.  For each hamburger that originated from animals raised on rain forest land, approximately 55 square feet of forest have been destroyed.  

Not sure where to start?  Try a cooking class or two, there are many great options available today and you don't have to go as strict as raw or even vegan classes but perhaps try a intro to vegetarian eating class or find some great information about it at your local vegetarian association.

Last week I took my first Marni Wasserman cooking class - Calci-Yum ... and Yummy it was!  A group of about nine of us made these amazing, calcium and nutrient rich dishes:

   Orange Salad with Pomegranate dressing (left) and Quinoa Broccoli Pinenut Pilaf (right)

    Spinach Almond Balls (can also be made into patties)

   Sesame-Miso Crusted Tempeh (I made this one in the class and I have a new found love for tempeh!)

   Seasonal Roasted Vegetables

    and for dessert ...

   Carob Fig Frozen Fudge!

Green Tip 20: Skip the Stick and the Coffee Cup


In North America, 138 billion straws and stir sticks are thrown away each year!  You don't have to start drinking your coffee black for the environment sake but if you can, add your sugar and/or milk/cream first before pouring the coffee.  If you buy to-go ask the Barista to do this for you or ask for a metal spoon ... why not, never hurts to at least ask.

Try stir stick alternatives or keep a metal spoon in your bag or office desk.

Reminder: When buying coffee to go, don't forget your travel mug.

WannaHaves : Living Tomorrow

Living Tomorrow : house of the future
If you have 22 million euros.

Detail Pembesian pada struktur bangunan sederhana tidak bertingkat

Bencana gempa yang datang pada era dewasa dan banyaknya korban terutama akibat runtuhnya bangunan harusnya membuat kita semua berfikir., Apakah semua ini terjadi akibat besarnya gempa ?, ataukah ini terjadi akibat kualitas bangunan yang tidak standart ? ataukah akibat kedua duanya.
Pemenuhan kualitas bangunan terutama pada struktur bangunan sudah tidak bisa ditawar lagi tambahan biaya untuk standarisasi konstruksi bangunan tahan gempa kalau dibanding dengan akibat yang akan terjadi kalau kita sembrono tidak akan berarti.
Melalui tulisan ini penulis mengajak kepada seluruh pelaku konstruksi baik  pelaksana maupun perencana dan masyarakat umum untuk mulai mempertimbangan dan menggunakan standart bangunan tahan gempa dalam setiap kegiatan konstruksi bangunan untuk mengantisipasi apabila terjadi bencana gempa, sehingga tidak ada korban jatuh sia sia untuk sebuah alasan ekonomis.

Dari hasil pengamatan kerusakan yang dilakukan selama berapa tahun pada bangunan rumah tinggal, maka dapat dikelompokkan kerusakan menjadi 8 tipe, yaitu :
  1. Tipe kerusakan dinding akibat beban tegak lurus bidang dinding,
  2. Tipe dinding retak pada setiap sudut bukaan,
  3. Tipe dinding terpisah pada sudut dan pertemuan,
  4. Tipe dinding hancur pada pertemuan sudut,
  5. Tipe dinding terpisah pada sudut dan pertemuan,
  6. Tipe retak diagonal pada dinding yang terjadi melalui siar,
  7. Tipe retak diagonal pada dinding yang terjadi melalui unsur penyusunnya (bata atau batako),
  8. Tipe rangka atap lepas dari dudukannya, tipe kegagalan pada pertemuan balok dan kolom beton bertulang, tipe mutu bahan dan mutu pengerjaan yang buruk.
Kerusakan pada bangunan dengan konstruksi pasangan tanpa perkuatan pada umumnya disebabkan oleh :
  • Bangunan relatif berat
  • Bangunan tidak daktail
  • Bangunan tidak kuat menahan tarikan yang terjadi akibat gaya gempa yang bekerja di arah tegak lurus bidang dinding.
Kerusakan pada bangunan dengan konstruksi pasangan dengan perkuatan pada umumnya disebabkan oleh:
  • Tidak ada angkur untuk mengikat antara dinding dengan elemen perkuatannya (kolom dan balok).
  • Tidak ada elemen perkuatan untuk bidang dinding yang luasnya ≥ 6m2.
  • Detail penulangan yang tidak benar pada pertemuan elemen-elemen perkuatan.
  • Mutu beton dari konstruksi rangka balok dan kolom sangat rendah.
  • Diameter dan total luas penampang tulangan yang dipasang terlalu kecil, jarak antar sengkang yang dipasang terlalu besar
Semoga sedikit tulisan ini bisa membawa manfaat.
Terima kasih..!
sumber : pedoman_teknis_bangunan_tahan_gempa

Green Tip 19: Ride, Glide or Walk Your Way

The warm weather is just around the corner.  It felt fantastic being able to ride outdoors this weekend and I can't wait to do more of it soon.

If you're a regular commuter to work why not consider car pooling or riding a bike or roller blading to work a couple days a week.  Public transit is always a great option even though it's not the most fun option, especially in the summer time when the weather is nice, take advantage of some greener ways to commute.

Rather then driving your car to work every day and wasting gas, wasting time in traffic burning toxic fuel and having to pay for parking, why not consider some environmental friendly and heart-healthier options.


Pedoman Teknis Bangunan Tahan Gempa

Green Tip 18: Ban the Plastic Bags Already!


Each year the U.S. uses 84 billion plastic bags, a significant portion of the 500 billion used worldwide. They are not biodegradable, and are making their way into our oceans, and subsequently, the food chain. Stronger, reusable bags are an inexpensive and readily available option.

Plastic bags, not just hanging out in trees, there are one way too many of them consuming our oceans!  These days it's easy to just reuse the bags you have or buy reusable, durable bags.

Green Tip 17: Give it Away Before You Throw it Away


Before you throw something away, think about if someone else might need it. Either donate to a charitable organization or post it on a web site designed to connect people and things, such as

I think this is a sign, a sign that it's time to plan my next swap party!

A swap party is another great, creative way to donate and give away unwanted items.  The fun part is you can get some great stuff in return. 

Menampilkan hanya Judul Posting pada item label blog

Untuk mempermudah dan memberikan akses yang nyaman pada pengunjung adalah dengan memanfaatkan widget label yang merupakan standart blogger, mungkin ini sudah tidak asing lagi bagi rekan blogger. Tapi standart blogger yang ada bila kita klik label yang muncul adalah posting pada label beserta dengan image dan uraian singkat dari isi posting.
Sekarang kita akan membuat tampilan yang muncul saat klik label hanya judul posting saja sehingga bisa tampak lebih menarik dan sederhana.

Kita langsung ke TKP saja biar jelas

Langkah Pertama

  • Login ke akun Blogger kamu.
  • Dari halaman dashboard, pilih Edit HTML.
  • Pada halaman Edit HTML, centang "Expand Template Widget", cari kode berikut
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Keterangan :
Ganti kode dengan warna merah dengan kode dibawah ini :
( bila kesulitan silakan mencari kode yang mirip dengan kode diatas )

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Simpan dan lihat hasilnya....!

Note :
untuk menambah tampilan agar lebih menarik berikut langkah yang harus diikuti :
Ganti kode warna biru diatas dengan kode dibawah ini

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Keterangan :
Kode warna merah : jenis warna border, background dan warna teks ( ubah sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan )
Kode warna biru : image icon didepan judul posting ( ubah sesuai dengan kebutuhan )

Simpan dan lihat hasilnya.
Terima kasih semoga bermanfaat.
Sumber : blog sahabat

Green Tip 16: Let Your Fingers Do the Walking - Online!

Paper phone books are just a fancier version of  junk mail!  These days, with the Internet and Google and with nearly every business now having their own website, do we really need the wasted paper phone directory books anymore?


You can call to stop your phone book delivery and use an online directory instead. Some estimate that telephone books make up almost ten percent of waste at dump sites. And if you still receive the book, don't forget to recycle your old volumes.

Here are just a few very awesome ways some people have recycled the ol' phone book (I could have spent all day finding these images, are some of them are amazing):

    3D Carved Portraits (from phone books!)
     Recycled Phone Book Bags ... no, really!

    I actually kind of love this ... Recycled phone Book Gown

    Building made from 7000 Recycled Phone Books