DIY: Coffee Sleeve Greeting Cards

Whenever I buy a coffee from any coffee shop I always try my best to avoid taking with me a coffee sleeve.  Now, I appreciate that they are just looking out for our well being - caution, it's hot! - but after years of baking and working with my hands I have personally developed an immunity to extreme hot and cold feeling in my hands. Besides that, coffee sleeves just seem so wasteful to me, I mean really, am I that dainty that I can't hold my coffee cup without the extra cardboard sleeve?

Anyway, for the odd time when I do forget to leave the coffee sleeve behind I always make sure to recycle it ... until now! My niece - the brilliant little tween that she is - suggested that we make greeting cards out of coffee sleeves.  So that's what we did with the sleeves we collected from our Starbucks visit.

Here are the steps ...

All you need is a variety of craft paper, some glue, scissors, and a little creativity to come up with a cute folded greeting card.  I added some sequence to the border on this card for a nice accent.  The great thing about these cards, besides the fact that you are reusing and up-cycling, is that you can design them for anybody and for any occasion.