DIY: Holiday Decorating Ideas

My holiday decorating is well under way.  This year I made sure to start early so that I can enjoy my festive home for a lot longer.  Table decorations are set, the tree is up, stockings are made, lights, action ... and yet, there are so many more crafts I would love to do!  Here are just a few ideas that have inspired me this year:

A Recovering Craft Hoarder
A fantastic way to reuse old CDs or DVDs - a 'Merry Christmas' sign.  This is great, especially since they are difficult to recycle.

photo source: Pinterest

A fun way to reuse an old ice skate.  Another option, donate your pair but if you only have one, this door decoration is lovely as well.

Plough Your Own Furrow
Another easy and pretty outdoor decorating idea using pine branches, pine cones and ball ornaments. If I had a porch, I would consider doing this.

Giver's Log
 Speaking of pine cones, these colourful mini cones are too cute!

Michele Made Me

And for the Christmas tree, twiggy mini trees ...

... and penguin ornaments.  What a great way to recycle light bulbs!

Eddie Ross
I always thought I would go with a traditional pine/green Christmas wreath but this ornament wreath is just so pretty.  And the tutorial on how to make it makes it look easy to create.

Crate Paper Blog
I now know what to do with all my scrap booking scraps - this tall paper Christmas Tree! 

Need more ideas?
 Check out 101 ornaments for a lot more DIY ideas!