Happy New Year Everyone!

Blogging back next week! Have a wonderful New Year's Eve :)

A Letter

It's another year end.
Another additional year.
Aging is inevitable
UNDERSTANDING, CARING and PATIENCE is the key to make this world a better place.
This heartwarming clip explains it all..

If you are touched and want more..
Another tearjerker a previous clip..

Meet Cooper the darling Yorkshire

This is Cooper..
Who stayed over for Christmas.
He is a mini Yorkshire.

Having fun making iMovies with these adorable pets..

Pasang Iklan

Ketentuan :
  1. Anda akan mendapat konfirmasi melalui Email. 
  2. Kategori iklan umum, sepanjang tidak mengandung unsur pornografi dan sara. 
  3. Kami tidak bertanggung Jawab terhadap isi iklan, kesemuanya menjadi tanggung jawab Anda. 
  4. Hanya iklan yang telah disetujui yang akan ditampilkan. 
  5. Terima kasih .!
Ukuran yang tersedia 125 x 125 Banner / Text
  1. 1 bulan ( 30 hari ), biaya Rp. 150.000,00- / 1 bulan
  2. 2 bulan ( 60 hari ), , biaya Rp. 250.000,00- / 2 bulan
  3. 3 bulan ( 90 hari ), , biaya Rp. 350.000,00- / 3 bulan
  4. 4 bulan ( 120 hari ), , biaya Rp. 450.000,00- / 4 bulan
Untuk Ukuran yang lain harga - nego.

Bila berminat silakan menghubungi lewat Email
Email - hdideas05@gmail.com

PASANG IKLAN ........ !

Roof Gardens and Balcony Maintenance

Keeping the balcony or roof garden in a good condition will enhance your enjoyment of it. You need to consider the structure, the plants, and the fixtures and fittings. The big advantage of the balcony and roof garden over the ground-level variety is that many of the back-breaking routine tasks, such as digging, are simply not necessary. However, other jobs are unique to these areas and mustn't be neglected.


In general, the plants will need weeding only if any seedlings happen to appear, and pruning only to keep them healthy and in shape. If any are tied against a wall, check the wires and nails periodically, to make sure they are not pulling away, and tie in new shoots. Occasionally, especially if the plants are protected from the rain, wipe any build-up of dust from the leaves; if dust is allowed to remain, it will interfere with photosynthesis, and the growth of the plant will be slower. As a matter of routine, remove dead leaves from the plants before they begin to rot.

Floor Surfaces

The balcony is probably the easiest to maintain, because, by its very nature as an extended part of the living area, it is usually easy to sweep clean or wash down.

Decking will need to be brushed with a stiff brush to remove any algae; then treat with an algae killer. In addition, treat softwood decks with a preservative every year.

Wash tiles periodically to reduce any build-up of algae; relay any tiles that work loose before they crack.

Concrete tends to suffer most damage from small cracks. If you overlook or ignore these, the action of the weather, or a stray seedling that grows in the crack, can enlarge it and cause considerable damage. Chip away loose material and repair the hole with a stiff mixture of concrete containing an adhesive.

Regularly rake any gravel level; it should not need any other attention.


Bring the cushions from upholstered furniture inside during wet or cold weather and clean them according to the instructions. Wash plastic frames with a detergent solution periodically to remove the water marks left by rain.

Metal furniture can be left outside but it will need a scrub in spring with a detergent solution, to remove the dust and deposits of the winter. It will benefit from a new coat of weather-resistant paint every two or three years.

Treat softwood timber seating with a preservative or new coat of varnish every year. Hardwoods, Such as teak, do not need preservative. A rub over with white spirit, soap and water and, finally, teak oil will protect them for the year.


Most containers will need little maintenance. Weathering tends to enhance their appearance rather than detract from it. Any that have been painted may need another coat, and reconstituted stone containers may need to be brushed down.

Roof Garden Containers
Trellises and Pergolas

Particularly where the trellis has been erected as a windbreak, the means of support will need regular checking to make sure it is still rigidly in place. The bottoms of posts are prone to rot. Treat them with preservative but, as many wood treatments are toxic to plants, it is usually better to detach the plants from their supports, and protect them before you begin applying the preservative.


Rub these down and repaint them with a weather-resistant paint when they show signs of damage.

Electrical Fittings

If electricity has been connected to the roof garden, for lights or a pond pump, it should be checked every year for signs of wear; this is best done by a qualified electrician, who can replace any damaged cables or connections.


Green Roofing - Guide to green roofs.

An Eco-friendly Edible Christmas Gift: The How-to

This year, like many years previous, I decided to make - or really, bake most of my Christmas gifts for family and friends.  This year however, I was determined to waste as little as possible and make Eco-friendly gifts.

Here's my attempt at it and tutorial for you to try it too!

What you'll need:

1. A variety of home-make baked goods, like cookies (like I have here) or even chocolate and candy works.  I made all vegan pecan chocolate cookies, oatmeal cranberry cookies and snicker doodles.

2. Newspapers - I prefer to use the comic and puzzles section; entertainment or sports sections also work well, depending on who the gift is for that person might enjoy the sports or entertainment news - anything with big bright photos also works and is decorative.

3. Eco-friendly, biodegradable plates - I found a great brand at Loblaws, they're really starting to get some good "green" products in.

Step 1: Mix and arrange the cookies on one plate.  Cover cookies with another plate.

Step 2: Tape the plates together to hold in place ... looks like a saucer!

Step 3: Choose the newspaper you would like to use - the Saturday newspaper comic section works the best.

Step 4: Proceed to wrap the cookie saucer. I basically started on one side, folding neatly and continued around the plate. 

Step 5: The newspaper will create a hexagon shape around the saucer and you will likely need to cut off the excess paper when you get close to the end.

As pretty as the wrapping and comics look I thought it would be a good idea to top off each cookie saucer with a hand-made card that can also be reusable, made with left over scraps of coloured paper.
Here's the how-to:

Supplies can include: various scraps of coloured paper, scissors, pencil, various cookie cutters, glue, coloured pens or paints, old magnets, and coloured string or yarn.

Step 1: I used a cookie cutter to draw out a star shaped tag for my gift.  Trace and cut.

Step 2: Add some glitter, sparkle and shine to your card, whatever you like!

Step 3: Once you've pimped up your card, time to add a string loop to the card so it can be reused as a decorative Christmas piece.  Another great option, glue a piece of magnet on the back, it's a fridge magnet! The best source are those free magnets you get from business offices, fairs, dentist or veterinary offices - get a stack and cut them up.

Step 4: In this case I added a gold piece of string through one of the corners of the star - good to hang on the tree.

Another great option: old Christmas cards! In this case, I took old Christmas cards that I had been collecting since (believe it or not) grade 5 and using a round cookie cutter I cut-out the pictures from them.  You can then add a magnet or a string and use them to decorate your gifts.

A completed package will look something like this.

I made a few this past week for friends.
Happy Holidays Everyone!

Royal Caribbean Cruise

On-board the Legend of the Seas.
See the stunning decor of the ship
and catch a glimpse of some activities on-board.
Hear the sound of the strong wind...

Vegan Quiche & Haircuts

Recently made, recently devoured, recently loved! ...

Spinach Quiche
Original recipe from 500 Vegan Recipes book

For the crust:
2 cups light spelt flour
1/4 cup plus 2 tbsp creamy natural cashew butter
1/2 tsp fine sea salt
1 tbsp agave nectar (optional)
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk

For the Filling:
1 lb (455g) firm or extra-firm silken tofu
2 tbsp nondairy butter
2 tbsp nutritional yeast
3 tbsp spelt flour
2 tbsp ground pecans
1/2 tsp fine sea salt, to taste
1/4 tsp ground black pepper
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1/4 tsp turmeric
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp dried minced onion
2 cups frozen chopped spinach, thawed and squeezed dry

1. Preheat oven to 375F and lightly coat a 9-inch pie plate with nonstick cooking spray.

2. Make the crust: Combine all the flour, cashew butter and salt together in a food processor.  Add the agave, if using, and the milk, a little at a time, until dough forms.

3. Roll out the dough as thinly as possible and fit to the pie plate.  Prick the crust with a fork to prevent air bubbles.  Set aside

4. Make the filling: Combine all ingredients - except the spinach - together in a food processor.  Blend until smooth, scraping down the sides occasionally.

5. Add the spinach to the mix, pulse just a few times to combine.  Pour the filling into the pie crust.

7. Bake for 40 minutes or until the edges of the crust are golden brown and the filling is set.  Let stand for 10 minutes on a wire rack before slicing and serving.

Yields: 6 servings

A recent even in my life that I'd like to share in hopes to inspire others to do the same.  I'd been growing my hair just over four years now, always with the thought that I would one day donate it to cancer.  The day came a few weeks ago.
This is the before shot - hair in length from my neck down about 14 inches total and cutting it, could not come soon enough!

The cut!

I'll admit, I was very nervous, didn't know how I would look with short hair again, kept having horrible flashbacks of my boyish haircut days and on my face, it's not a good look! At least not back then it wasn't but I had no idea how I would look today with short hair.

So turns out, I looked okay :)  The haircut, no big deal in the end and I knew it was for a good cause.

So why measure, cut off and bread my hair?

There are many organizations out there that accept hair donations to make wings for people with cancer, like women and children specifically.  I choose to donate my hair through Pantene's Beautiful Lengths program.  To learn more about them or how you can donate, follow the link.

In the end I not only felt great about donating my hair, even after four years of growing very attached to it, I felt amazing with my fresh new look and haircut, plus it always helps to have a boyfriend who can't stop starring at you because you look even hotter now then you did before lol (love ya Mike).  I only hope that my donation can help make a difference to some amazing woman out there.



Please visit my blog next week, I will review how you can make easy Eco-friendly Christmas gifts for friends and family this year!

Konsep Dasar Design Tritisan

Tritisan merupakan bagian dari bangunan atap tambahan yang berdiri sendiri atau bisa juga berupa perpanjangan dari atap utama [Sukawi,2008].
Konsep topi atau caping mendasari cara kerja tritisan yaitu :
Membentuk bayangan yang menutupi lubang dinding. Melalui tritisan, sinar matahari yang masuk diperkurang kuantitas dan kualitasnya. Tritisan bisa berkedudukan mendatar atau vertical. Kedua-duanya mempunyai alasan. Tergantung sinar mana dan yang bagaimana yang boleh masuk ruangan atau tidak [Lippsmeier, 1994]
Salah satu fungsi bukaan yang dihadirkan pada bangunan, adalah untuk mendapatkan penerangan alami. Dari usaha ini menimbulkan 2 bagian dari penerangan alami : 
  • Cahaya matahari
  • Sinar matahari.
Cahaya matahari adalah terang yang dihasilkan dari terang langit.
Sinar matahari adalah terang yang dihasilkan dari radiasi matahari secara langsung.

Dalam perencanaan dan perancangan bangunan, diusahakan untuk memasukkan cahaya matahari semaksimal mungkin, sedangkan sinar matahari ini diusahakan agar tidak masuk ke dalam ruangan.
Untuk itulah kehadiran tritisan sangat perlu terhadap lubang dinding pada bangunan. Tritisan yang baik harus dapat memenuhi tuntutan tersebut, yaitu memasukkan cahaya matahari semaksimal mungkin dan mencegah sinar matahari yang masuk pada melalui lubang dinding pada bangunan
Sesuai fungsinya untuk merespons sinar dan cahaya matahari, jenis tritisan digolongkan menurut dua prinsip dasar sebagai berikut [Mangunwijaya, 1997]
Prinsip Payung atau Perisai (Prinsip Pembayangan), sebagai contoh :
  1. Atap rapat yang lazim diterapkan rumah selasar, galeri, doorloop,dsb
  2. Penjulangan pada cucuran (tritisan)
  3. Kerai, tanda jendela dsb
  4. Vegetasi (bougenvile, tanaman rambatan, hiasan)
  5. Papan atau bidang yang dapat diatur pada poros vertikal (jalusi)
  6. Penggunaan jendela rapat (blinden) dsb
Prinsip penyaringan cahaya, sebagai contoh melalui : 
  1. penggunaan Kerai
  2. Krepyak (louver,jalousie)
  3. Kisi-kisi, Kerawang (rooster)
  4. Dedaunan tanaman
  5. Pergola
  6. Dinding tabir dengan papan-papan horisontal (horizontal overhang)
Tritisan memang sangat diperlukan, mengingat fungsi elemen in sangat signifikan dalam memberikan kenyamanan bagi penghuni. Namun seiring dengan perkembangan gaya arsitektur yang semakin beragam, hal ini menyebabkan desain tritisan diciptakan sesuai dengan gaya arsitektur yang dilekatinya.
Pada kenyataannya beberapa desain tritisan yang dipakai pada rumah yang berkembang saat ini kurang mampu bekerja sesuai dengan fungsinya, sehingga sinar, cahaya matahari dan hujan tidak terespon dengan baik. 

Starlit Christmas at Orchard Road

December makes me feel this way..
It is a Starlit Christmas at Orchard Road this year.
I was exhilarated watching these vibrant lights...

Have a jolly Christmas..
See what you can do with these...

Birthday Dinner: Surprise, it's Vegan!

I love being part of my big family dinners especially now that I can contribute my experimental vegan dishes - well not so much experimental as they are brand new to me and to my family.  As I slowly plow through my many vegan recipes and cookbook I share with you two recent recipes.  One I loved and have already made twice and the other I liked but for the amount of work that was put into it, I will likely never make again!

Quinoa Pilaf
(Original recipe from 500 Vegan Recipes)

Cooked quinoa with shredded carrots, slivered almonds, chopped dates, olive oil, lemon juice with spices like cayenne pepper, turmeric, cumin, and salt, with a bit of shredded ginger root for an intense spicy flavour. I have it served here with a small side of roasted carrots and sweet potatoes.

Mediterranean Spring Rolls 
(Original recipe from 500 Vegan Recipes) ... Stuffed with tofu, sun-dried tomatoes, mushrooms and spices - really pretty simple stuffing, very annoyingly difficult herb doug!

Pasangan Beton Ferocemen untuk Saluran Irigasi Pertanian

Untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan mengurangi kehilangan air karena kebocoran (leakage) dan rembesan (seepage) sering saluran dilapisi dengan bahan yang tahan terhadap gerusan air.
Pelapisan saluran atau sering dinamakan dengan lining saluran (canal lining) juga bertujuan untuk memantapkan stabilitas tanggul.
Pelapisan ini dapat berupa pasangan dari batu, bata merah, beton atau baja (untuk talang dan sipon).
Sebenarnya peliningan/pasangan diperlukan apabila kehilangan air akibat perkolasi tinggi dan kemiringan tanah lebih dari 1,0 sampai 1,5%.
Sering lining hanya digunakan untuk saluran tersier dan hanya sebagian kecil digunakan disaluran irigasi kuarter karena para petani diperbolehkan mengambil secara langsung dari saluran ini, namun apabila diberi pasangan biasanya di setiap pemilikan sawah saluran diberi gorong-gorong kecil untuk mengalirkan air ke petak sawah. Saluran pembuang juga jarang diberi pasangan.
Rehabilitasi / perbaikan bendung atau bangunan pengambilan bebas, saluran tersier, kuarter (termasuk lining saluran) dan bangunan lainnya, seperti: box bagi, siphon, talang, bangunan terjun, pintu, bangunan ukur, dan lain sebagainya.
Dari hasil pengamatan di lapangan bahwa sebagian besar komponen kegiatan yang dilaksanakan adalah lining saluran. Pasangan yang digunakan pada lining saluran pada umumnya pasangan batu dan sebagian kecil menggunakan pasangan beton.
Biaya untuk pelaksanaan lining saluran ini berbeda-beda tergantung dimensi saluran, harga satuan bahan serta
upah setempat.

Ferocement adalah merupakan material varian dari beton bertulang, namun tebalnya hanya sekitar 10 - 40 mm, dan pada ferosemen sebagai tulangan digunakan jaringan k a w a t (w ir e m e s h ), sejauh ini jaringan kawat telah menjadi pilihan utama lapisan pada ferosemen. Dari pelaksanaannya tersebut sebenarnya penggunaan lining saluran dengan memakai pasangan beton (ferocement) lebih murah dan ekonomis dibandingkan dengan lining saluran memakai pasangan batu kali.

Proporsi campuran ferosemen yaitu :
Rasio Semen – Pasir (dalam berat) = 1 : 2
Air dalam proses pencampuran harus tepat beratnya untuk mengontrol rasio air – semen.
Rasionya yaitu :
Rasio Air – Semen (dalam berat) = 35% sampai dengan 50%
Rasio air dan semen harus serendah mungkin dan slump tidak lebih dari 6 cm.
Tiang penguat untuk besi – semen terbuat dari tiang baja berdiameter 6 mm dengan kualitas yang baik
Kawat Ayam Umumnya jenis dan ukuran dari kawat baja antara lain kawat besi berlapis seng, jalinan kawat ayam ataupun kawat bentuk jajaran genjang dapat digunakan. Semua kawat ayam harus sesuai dengan standar kualitas SII atau dengan standar lain yang setara. Kawat ayam harus bebas dari bahan organik, lemak, minyak, korosi dan bahan lain yang mengurangi kekuatan adhesifnya

Ada dua metode pelaksanaan lining saluran dengan pasangan beton (ferocement) yaitu:
  1. Mencetak beton untuk pasangan saluran di tempat tertentu dan Ada sedikit perbedaan pengertian liningsaluran ferocement yang dilaksanakan dengan yang diinginkan. Ferocement yang dilaksanakan di daerah pada umumnya merupakan pasangan beton dari campuran pasir, batu pecah dan portlant-cement serta besi beton (tulangan), sementara yang semestinya adalah ferocement yang berbahan pasir, portlant-cement, besi tulangan dan kawat ayam, tanpa batu pecah, sebagaimana yang dianjurkan di pedoman Teknis rehabilitasi JITUT ( Jaringan Irigasi Tingkat Usaha Tani ) dan JIDES ( Jaringan Irigasi Desa )
  2. Pasangan beton dicor ditempat atau di saluran (in-situ). Pada metode pertama dapat dilakukan dengan persyaratan bahwa ada areal atau tempat yang luas untuk pencetakan dan juga memerlukan tenaga yang cukup untuk mengangkat atau mengangkut beton cetak ke saluran yang akan dilining. Sementara untuk metode yang kedua pelaksanaan pencetakan langsung di saluran yang akan dilining dan ini memang memerlukan keahlian yang khusus dan beberapa cetakan dimensi yang harus dipersiapkan dahulu, namun ini lebih cepat pelaksanaannya dan tidak memerlukan tempat khusus seperti di metode yang pertama.
Mencetakan beton ferosemen
rangka penguat beton ferosemen in-situ
lokasi beton ferosemen in-situ
Pasangan batu kali
Dalam pelaksanaan peliningan dengan memberi pasangan sebaiknya tanggul saluran dipadatkan terlebih dulu, agar pasangan lebih stabil. Tebal pasangan batu sekurang-kurangnya 20 cm, sementara bila menggunakan pasangan dari beton ferosement jauh lebih tipis sekitar 7 – 10 cm. Pasangan sebaiknya diberi koperan pada ujung atau dasarnya (lihat pada gambar detil pasangan).
Pasangan (lining) ferocement yang berbahan pasir, portlant-cement, besi tulangan dan kawat ayam, tanpa batu pecah ini sebenarnya lebih kuat terhadap gaya tarik, sehingga dengan adanya kawat ayam ini akan memberi kekuatan ganda. Oleh karena itu sebaiknya dalam pelaksanaan lining saluran tepat apabila menggunakan ferocement, karena praktis
Penggunaan ferocement ini belum banyak diaplikasikan, hal ini merupakan hal kebiasaan saja di daerah bahwa masyarakat yang masih belum merasa pas dengan pasangan beton (ferocement) dibandingkan dengan pasangan batu kali yang dimensinya lebih besar dan kelihatan kokoh menurut mereka.

Buletin PLA Edisi Juni 2008

How to Plant in Garden Paving

Whether the paving is a path or a patio, it will look much less stark, especially when it is new, if a few small, low-growing plants are added in among the slabs to soften and blur the edges.

Softening Edges
There is no reason why a paved area has to be a barren, plantless desert, unless it is by choice. By taking up the occasional paving slab or brick, or by scraping back the gravel, it is possible to add small plants that will grow only slowly and withstand being stepped on occasionally. Such plants work well to blend the hard surface into the garden, by integrating the two. This is especially desirable when the paving is new and clean, with sharp, well-defined edges. Long before the slabs begin to look weathered, the plants will have grown to give a much softer appearance to the area. Low-growing thymes are extremely effective at this, because, if they are walked on, the damaged leaves release oils that evaporate to give off their distinctive fragrance. For purely practical purposes, it may be useful to plant an ant-repellent such as pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) near to a doorway if ants are known to be a problem, rather than use a chemical.

As with any other planting scheme, the plants should be chosen to match the situation as closely as possible, with the sun-lovers in the hot areas, and the moisture-lovers in shadier parts.

Planting in paving

Planting Steps:

1. Chisel out a few planting crevices if the paving is cemented, or clear out some of the old soil. Remove to a depth of at least 5cm (2in).

2. Fill the holes with a loam-based compost leaving space to plant.

3. Use small plants, seedlings or recently rooted cuttings. Tease away most of the soil to make insertion easier Trickle more compost around the roots after planting. Firm gently and remove pockets of air.

4. Water carefully. A fine mist from a compression sprayer is less likely to wash away soil than a watering can. Water regularly but avoid a forceful jet of water until the plants are established.


House and Garden Directory

Home Improvement Construction

Green Building Directory

How to Plant Ground Cover

Plants which do not exceed 45cm (18in) in height are often referred to as "ground cover", particularly when they have a spreading habit and can be used as a means of softening and disguising hard edges or straight lines.

Low-maintenance Solutions

Low-growing and ground-covering plants are useful for the city front garden in a number of ways, both in the garden and around its edges. They are ideal for softening the edges of a path when they are allowed to grow partly on to the hard surface, and they can be dotted in planting holes left among the slabs, to break up a large expanse of paving. If you have borders in the front garden, ground-cover plants fill and soften the front of the border and will soon fill all gaps. This, in turn, helps to suppress weeds, because, in common with most other seedlings, weeds need light to grow. Eliminating the need to cultivate the soil to get rid of weeds will also help prevent more weeds from appearing, as no more seeds are brought to the surface. Thus ground cover is ideal for the city garden, as it is low-maintenance.

Another bonus is that a covering of leaves over the surface of the soil reduces the amount of water lost to evaporation on a warm or windy day. The soil is kept moist and the amount of water needed to keep the other plants alive is reduced.

Many of the plants used as ground cover are quite tough, and require little in the way of maintenance after planting. Hypericum calycinum, for instance, simply needs annual clipping with a strimmer (string-line trimmer), to reduce the height and encourage bushiness. Other than that, an annual feed will suffice for it to thrive.

Thus, when the amount of time available for maintenance is limited, as it often is for city gardens, using a low covering of plants can reduce the necessary work quite considerably, while still providing a welcoming entrance to your home.

Planting Ground Cover

1. To plant ground cover; clear the ground of weeds first. Annual weeds can be hoed off or killed with a herbicide. Some perennial weeds will have to be dug out by hand.

2. Fork in as much rotted manure or garden compost as you can spare, then apply a slow-release or controlled-release fertilizer and rake it in lightly.

3. Unless your ground cover spreads by underground stems it is best to plant through a mulching sheet to control weeds while the plants are becoming established. Cut a cross where the plant is to be positioned.

4. Plant in staggered rows, planting small plants through the slits with a trowel. Water thoroughly after planting and in dry weather throughout the first year

5. Until the plants have grown together you may want to use a decorative mulch such as chipped bark to improve the appearance.


A Girl's Mini Weekend Vacation

I really love having family over for a weekend.  I rarely have company for an overnight stay so it was a nice treat - a good excuse for them and myself to relax, which is exactly what my sister, niece and I did a couple of weekends ago in Toronto.
Sorry sis, just had to post this one, it's too funny! Love your face and Bela looks beautiful.

Since this is a food blog after all I share with you dinner: pizza!  Not just any pizza though, a pizza split down the middle and quartered on one side.  This is what happens when you have three people, one vegan, one kid and different food preferences.

My niece was simple - sauce, cheese, pepperoni, zucchini and green onion.  My sister's side and mine were similar with just a meat difference; hers prosciutto and mine, vegan "chicken" - mmm, good.

 Lunch the next day, a nice stir-fry over rice, loaded with warm veggies and dressing.

Downtown, at Yonge and Dundas Square for the Lighting Ceremony, Circus Orange, mall wondering, and hot cocoa.

How to Plant for a Miniature Kitchen Garden

Vegetable-growing isn't the first project that springs to mind for the balcony or roof gardener, but, in fact, there is a lot of scope for making the most of even a tiny gardening space to produce fruit, vegetables and herbs for the table. The taste of food brought in and eaten fresh from the garden is better than any bought from the shops, and, even in a small area, there are plenty of varieties that can be grown.

Dwarf Varieties

Many fruit varieties are available on a dwarfing rootstock, which keeps them small, and they can be grown in containers, either as normally shaped trees, or as single-stemmed cordons. Against a warm wall, fan-shaped peaches, nectarines and cherries will thrive, as will grapes, which can also be grown over a pergola.

A new generation of "mini-vegetables" have been bred that are aimed at the smaller growing area and designed to be harvested and eaten while they are still small and tender. Tomatoes, cucumbers, aubergines (eggplants) and peppers will all thrive in containers, as long as they are sheltered.

Herbs, particularly the more ornamental ones, such as purple basil (Ocimum basilicum 'Dark Opal') and variegated sages and mints, are decorative as well as useful. Edible flowers, such as nasturtiums, pot marigolds and borage, can be added to salads or frozen into ice cubes to add to summer drinks.

The main requirements for a successful crop are sunshine, water, food and shelter from cold winds. Sun is needed to ripen the fruit and keep the more tender crops, such as courgettes (zucchini), aubergines and peaches, at a warm enough temperature. Most edible plants need a lot of water. This is especially important for plants such as tomatoes, whose fruit has a high water content when ripe.

Edible plants may also need a soil or compost (soil mix) which is rich in organic matter or fertilizer, to provide the nutrients for their rapid growth, although the amount needed does vary from variety to variety, with lettuces being far more dependent on water than food, for example. For this reason, a crop of tomatoes in a grow-bag can be followed the next year by a crop of lettuce and radishes grown in the same bag.

Miniature Kitchen Garden

1. Not many of us have the space or time to maintain a kitchen garden, but this table-top selection will allow you to grow all the essentials. Place crocks in the bottom of terracotta pots for drainage. Plants with well-developed root systems, such as this marigold, will benefit from planting in a larger pot.

2. Pots of basil and other herbs are available from garden centres and many supermarkets. They can be potted on successfully to provide fresh herbs throughout the season. You may be able to divide a single plant into two or more pots when repotting.

3. Nasturtiums flower better in poor soil, and once planted should be left to their own devices. Give them a little water but no plant food or you will get lots of leaves and no flowers.

4. Additional plants to grow might include miniature tomato and strawberry plants. They need larger pots to allow for root development. Line a tray with a thick plastic sheet and cover with clay granules. These retain moisture and create a damp microclimate for the plants.

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