The Auto Union Racing Car

The Auto Union Racing Car types A to D, were built as Grand Prix racing cars,
between 1934 and 1939
Between 1935 and 1937 Auto Union cars won 25 races.
Much has been written about the difficult handling characteristics of this car,
but its tremendous power and acceleration were undeniable,
a driver could induce wheel-spin at over 100mph(160km/h).

Cute replicas..

The Birth Place..
By miztazed : "On sept. 11th 2004 audi came back to their roots.
Back to the place of birth of the legendary Auto Union race cars.
To a city called Zwickau.

So i had the chance to film these beautiful cars
which were born in the same city like me. ;)"

This video showed cars 70 years back.

By B3060J for his son : Nice!



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Apa bedanya dengan Situs Sejenis yang sudah ada ?

Bila anda sudah mengenal Adsense, Adbrite ataupun situs PayPerClick yang lebih dulu Ada, Anda pasti sudah mengerti bahwa Situs luar tersebut memiliki banyak persyaratan dan aturan. Perbedaan utama dengan situs luar tersebut adalah dari
  1. Penggunaan Bahasa  Blogger Lokal Tidak perlu khawatir akan adanya penolakan karena Blog tidak ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Disini di, Blogger dapat menulis dengan bahasa Indonesia, Inggris ataupun bahasa daerah.
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F1 Bread Torque 2009

It's the 2nd year of F1 in Singapore again.
I guess the cars are about the same.
Last years' F1 Chocolate car has totally changed.
It's these Bread
Bread Torque!
Oh yes, lots of work putting them together to create
the 'First Life-sized Bread Race Car'

Raising Charity
Charity : Community Chest
Close views

How about a video..

Lots of bread.
Hope you had enough.
YUMMY! Hmmm, want more..

This tune by Ric Seaberg.
Album : useful information.
Hear what girls and guys talked about …

Title of song : ''We talk about cars'
How about baking a car like this

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A Hero : A beautiful ballad

This beautiful ballad by X Factor Finalists 2008.
So exhilarating.
Excellent collaboration.

I have made this movie.
Incorporating the music with these fishes and corals.
From some of my old and new clips.
To provide a wonderful therapeutical feel.

Here's to share with you.
Enjoy the music and the view.
Keeping them here, in my ' for keepsake' blog.

Try singing along....

There's a hero,
If you look inside your heart,

You don't have to be afraid of what you are,
There's an answer,
If you reach into your soul,
And the sorrow that you know will melt away.

And then a hero comes along,
With the strength to carry on,
And you cast your fears aside and you know you can survive,
When you feel like hope is gone,
Look inside you and be strong,
And you'll finally see the truth that a hero lies in you.

It's a long road,
When you face the world alone,
No one reaches out a hand for you to hold,
You can find love,
If you search within yourself,
And the emptiness you felt will disappear.

And then a hero comes along,
With the strenght to carry on,
And you cast your fears aside and you know you can survive,
when you feel like hope is gone,
Look inside you and be strong,
And you'll finally see the truth that a hero lies in you.

Lord knows,
Dreams are hard to follow,
But don't let anyone tear them away,
Hold on,
There will be tomorrow,
In time you'll find the way.

And then a hero comes along,
With the strenght to carry on,
And you cast your fears aside and you know you can survive,
when you feel like hope is gone,
Look inside you and be strong,
And you'll finally see the truth that a hero lies in you.

That a hero lies

Did U Know...
Our Southern Island reefs are ALIVE!
The reefs in Singapore harbour close to 200 species of hard corals.
Amazing marine life abound.
Such as clown anemonefishes (better known as 'Nemo') that's one of our Hero in this clip
and more.
These reefs can be reached within minutes from the city centre.
Check out 'wildsingapore's photostream' on Flickr for some pictures of the places.

Powerful Commercials

An advertisement
'Progress is Beautiful'

I have some similar chairs.
And was trying to achieve these in some ways.
When I bought these chairs sometime back.
Lovely, rich decorations.
In this clip.
Like the transition.
Catch some good home ideas.
Has Audi gone into Home Decor and Furnishing?
Posted by 'correctmugshot' on YouTube

Too fast?
Pause to see details.

Struktur Bambu, Kuat apa Tidak. ?

Anda semua tahu bambu..?
tentu tidak ada yang tidak tahu bambu, Keberadaan bambu di Indonesia seperti butiran pasir dipantai, banyak tapi tidak begitu berharga. Kurangnya pemanfaatan dalam dunia konstruksi/arsitektur menyebabkan bambu menjadi komoditas yang dipandang sebalah mata, padahal dengan porsi penggunaan yang tepat material bambu ini bisa memberi sentuhan yang culup menarik.

Akibat tidak ada pengembangan maka bambu jadi tidak menarik sehingga masyarakat tidak menyukainya. Akhirnya bambu sebagai material lokal posisinya semakin terpinggirkan. Hal ini tentu menyedihkan, mengingat persediaan bambu di Indonesia sangat melimpah, namun sebenarnya kita masih belum optimal dalam memanfaatkannya.

Pemanfaatan bambu harus didukung oleh upaya reboisasi dan pengelolaan yang ramah lingkungan. Kita sangat berkepentingan untuk menjaga ketersediaan bambu, tidak hanya untuk kebutuhan produksi, juga untuk meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat dan  kualitas lingkungan. Bambu menghasilkan biomassa tujuh kali lipat dibanding hutan pepohonan. Selain itu rumpun bambu berperan dalam mencegah erosi karena dapat memperkuat ikatan partikel dan menahan pengikisan tanah. Karenanya, pemanfaatan bambu harus diintegrasikan dengan upaya pelestarian agar bambu tetap tersedia dalam jumlah yang cukup dan kualitas yang baik.

Bambu memiliki kekuatan yang dapat dipersaingkan dengan baja. Karena kelenturan dan kekuatannya yang tinggi, struktur bambu juga merupakan bangunan tahan gempa. Sayangnya, selama ini kekuatan bambu belum diimbangi dengan teknik sambungan yang kuat. Paduan antara kekuatan, kejelian arsitek, dan keampuhan bahan pengawet  menghasilkan konstruksi yang kuat, tahan gempa, indah, dan awet hingga puluhan tahun.
Dari berbagai penelitian, struktur bambu terbukti memiliki banyak keunggulan. Seratnya yang liat dan elastis sangat baik dalam menahan beban (baik beban tekan/tarik, geser, maupun tekuk). kuat tekan bambu (yang berkualitas) sama dengan kayu, bahkan kuat tariknya lebih baik daripada kayu. Bahkan dengan kekuatan seperti ini, jenis bambu tertentu bisa menggantikan baja sebagai tulangan beton.

Pada konstruksi bambu biasanya digunakan baut 12 mm dan ijuk ( lebih populer ) untuk menyambung antar bambu.

Sambungan dengan baut harus terlihat rapi dan bersih sehingga konstruksi bambu terlihat lebih bagus . Untuk memasang bautnya, bambu dibor terlebih dahulu, kemudian baut dimasukkan ke bambu dan diberi mur, ( Pasang murnya jangan terlalu keras supaya bambu tidak pecah), Berbeda dengan kayu, adanya rongga pada bambu membuatnya harus diperlakukan khusus agar tidak mudah pecah. Sambungan dengan baut menciptakan konstruksi yang tidak kaku sehingga tahan terhadap gempa (karena konstruksi akan bergerak mengikuti arah getar gempa). Ini masih ditambah lagi dengan bobotnya yang ringan sehingga berat keseluruhan struktur tidaklah besar. Ini merupakan kelebihan lain dari konstruksi bambu.
Sambungan dengan kombinasi pasak dan ijuk, type sambungan yang tidak kaku, yakni memakai kombinasi paku/pasak bambu yang diikat ijuk. Dengan teknik pengikatan tertentu, ijuk sangat baik untuk mengikat sambungan struktur bambu. ikatan ijuk bagus dalam menahan beban ke samping. Selain ijuk, rotan juga dapat sebagai pengikat sambungan. Namun, karena tidak sekuat ijuk, maka ikatan rotan biasanya hanya dipakai di interior.

Tabel Jenis Bambu untuk Bangunan
Jenis Bambu
Kolom struktur ( tiang penyangga )

14—15 cm
12 cm
Gording / blandar
 bambu Legi

10 cm

6 cm
6 cm (dibelah 2)
Dinding (utuh atau anyaman)
Tali/apus, bambu hitam

6 cm
sumber : ( 1 maret 2008 )

Singapore Toy Games + Comic Convention

Watch the toys come to life..

Returned a 2nd year on 14-16 August 2009.
Only 3 days at
Suntec Convention Hall.

I love archery.
And was glad to see Wii Sport now has this in their selection of games.
Maybe, I could revive my old sport and enjoy this just as much.
Not having to worry about shooting without an armguard.

Be creative with this 'Creative Ink'

Monopoly to boggle the mind

Be thrilled by what roll out from these containers

Hulking replicas

These guys were tempting us with their
delicious looking realistic cakes and buns.

This looked Martian

Vinyls by 'Play Imaginative'
Popular 'Tofu'

Meet 18" Knucklebear and 18" Skuttle
Dolls with distinctive BIG eyes

Playmobil as colorful as ever

UGLYDOLL and still draws crowd

In reply to how ugly?
Hmmm, I think they are unusually cute.

Simply Toys that are not so simple

See this life size model, that was going around
taking pictures with the viewers

The 'legendary' LEGO

Dooodolls for daily company

Coin pouch

There was a competition.

Young and talented contestants.

The contestants had to sketch a portrait
on the computer.
Given only a limited time frame of
about 7 minutes during the finals.

Both of these portraits were by the winner, Naomi.
This was the winning portrait,

I guess, whichever toy one may adore.
These cute, cuddly, lovable furry ones,
will never loose their charm.

As real as it gets.

There were many more exhibits.
This event will bring out the child in anyone.
Many good games to keep one occupied at home too.
'Exhibitors Highlights' will give a more
comprehensive view of the exhibitors.