Feeling on top of the world: Up Mount Jungfraujoch and Mount Titlis

View from inside the cable car

Feeling on top of the world was indeed amazing.
We took the train and cable cars up these high mountains, passing tree tops,
thick snow and slowly fading into the mountains .
Follow me on these rides through these exciting journeys and feel
or rather see the cold.

Snow tractor.

Train tracks.

Up there were some lovely ice carvings.

Hand railings were provided, as it can be
quite slippery walking through these ice tunnels.

It was this cold.

Being cold really turns on the appetite.
This beautiful restaurant at the mountain serves delicious meals.

Fun with the snow on a sledge.
Going down was easy.

climbing back up was tough...

The trick was using the sledge to anchor and support.

Guess this dog couldn't wait to give it a try...

Back on ground ...
this scenery looks like a beautiful post card.

Another mountain we visited was up to
Mount Titlis on a cable car.

Lovely scenery.

We went above the trees.

At mid height,
we were transfered to the first revolving cable car
which takes us all the way to
the summit of Mt Titlis.

Leaving the station.

At the top.
Sumptuous eatery.

Warm setting.

Drinks to keep one warm.

In spite of the extremely cold surrounding,
enjoying these wonderful ice cream was a delight.

Going back down.
couldn't see anything down there.

nearing the station.
Made it to ground level.
Felt some relieve.
It was an awesome experience.